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O Staniel Cay

Nežno morje z najčistejšo vodo in veličastne peščena plaže Staniel Cay vsako leto privabljajo vse več turistov. Kristalno turkizna barva morske vode postavlja raven vašega dopusta nekje med osupljivim in popolnim. Če iščete popolno morje, je to vaš kraj!

Za raziskovalce

Pig beach

Black Point 11.2 km
Zelo dobro
Prost vhod • Virgin Beach • Beli fini pesek • Dostop z ladjo • Gneča • Parkiranje prepovedano
0 Indeks ugodnosti

Runaway beach

Black Point 8.2 km
Prost vhod • Virgin Beach • Enostaven dostop • Beli fini pesek • Turkizna čista voda • Fino peščeno dno
1.7 Indeks ugodnosti

Crow's Nest beach

Black Point 9.2 km
Prost vhod • Virgin Beach • Enostaven dostop • Beli fini pesek • Turkizna čista voda • Fino peščeno dno
1.7 Indeks ugodnosti

Pirate beach

Black Point 10.3 km
Prost vhod • Virgin Beach • Enostaven dostop • Beli pesek • Turkizna čista voda • Peščeno dno
1 Indeks ugodnosti

Miren, merjen počitek in zvok valov so morda prve asociacije, ki se pojavijo ob uporabi besede "plaža". To ni presenetljivo, saj ravno sprostitev iščejo večina popotnikov na plaži. Če vaš dopust povezujete predvsem s takšno aktivnostjo, izberite eno od 4 Plaže v otok.

Da bi vam olajšali izbiro, smo pripravili seznam najboljših plaž za sprostitev v Staniel Cay.

Privlačnost in infrastruktura

Kar zadeva glavne značilnosti plaž v Staniel Cay, so naslednje:

  • Plaže v otok so večinoma ozko, čisto kratek in imajo visok stopnjo čistoče. Najpogostejša površina je pesek bela.
  • Običajno je vstop v vodo zmerno nežen, takšnih plaž je 2.
  • Povprečna razdalja od ceste do plaže v Staniel Cay znaša manj kot 500 metrov. 3 Plaže je relativno lahko dostopnih., and 1 Plaža je dostop mogoč samo z vode. Med njimi so tako otoške plaže kot tudi plaže brez kopnene poti zaradi naravnih meja.

Divje plaže brez infrastrukture prevladujejo ob obali Staniel Cay, vendar lahko tudi tukaj najdete plažo z standardnim naborom dodatkov: ležalniki, senčniki, restavracije, tuši in stranišča.

Najnovejše ocene plaž Staniel Cay

Pig beach
10 Nico Santoro

This experience was truly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that fulfilled a dream from my bucket list! The pigs were frolicking in the water with us, and we had the chance to feed and pet them. The joy we felt was mutual, as the pigs seemed to enjoy our company just as much as we enjoyed theirs. It was as if we had stumbled upon one of the happiest places on Earth! ♥️

Crow's Nest beach
10 Mujahid Ali

Crow's Nest is aptly named, as it sits on the highest point of the island, offering panoramic views of the sea and horizon. From the spacious bed in the master bedroom, you can witness the sun and moon rise and set over the ocean. Once you're up, there are miles of walking paths to explore all over the island, a 1000-foot beach right in front, and a private tidal pool perfect for swimming at the back. The house itself is a joy, not just for its stunning views, but for how seamlessly it blends into its surroundings. A large rainwater cistern and solar collectors for electricity and hot water ensure these amenities are available even when the island systems occasionally fail. The kitchen is fully equipped for any cooking needs, and the telephone and WiFi Internet offer modern conveniences if you ever tire of the timeless beauty and tranquility. There's no better place to dive into a great book. Staniel Cay offers the perfect mix of a small but safe airstrip, island restaurants and stores, and a community of welcoming people eager to share their island and help you enjoy your stay. Whether you want to fish, fly, eat, snorkel, boat, scuba dive, or simply relax under a palm tree, you'll find it here. A stay at Crow's Nest is sure to delight and rejuvenate those fortunate enough to experience it, as it always does for us, leaving us with a deeper appreciation of what the Exumas are all about.

Pirate beach
9 Nico Santoro

Ah, the secluded beach. A place where one can escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life and bask in the beauty of nature. This hidden gem offers a serene and peaceful atmosphere, perfect for those seeking a getaway from the chaos of the city. The crystal-clear waters and soft sandy shores are a sight to behold, and the lack of crowds only adds to the allure. It's no wonder this beach is considered a true oasis. So if you're looking for a place to unwind and soak up the sun, look no further than this secluded paradise.

Najti restavracijo v Staniel Cay je dovolj enostavno, saj jih je veliko v bližini plaž. Vsaka ima svoj čar in dobre lastnosti. Več informacij o bližnjih restavracijah lahko najdete na straneh plaž.

Ponudbe za namestitev v območju plaže so omejene, zato lahko iskanje primernega kraja za bivanje predstavlja težavo. Za več informacij lahko uporabite iskanje po zemljevidu.

In verjetno najbolj priljubljeno vprašanje med popotniki: "Katere znamenitosti v Staniel Cay lahko najdemo v relativni bližini plaž?" Skupno število ni zelo veliko, vendar to ne kaže na omejeno izbiro, temveč na potrebo po bolj podrobni raziskavi otok. Zagotovo je veliko več krajev za obisk!

Najbolj vroč mesec v otok je avgust - temperatura zraka se v tem času segreje do 29.1°C, temperatura vode pa do 29.8°C v september. Najhladnejši mesec je januar - temperatura zraka se spusti na 24.2°C, temperatura vode pa na 24.9°C. Temperatura zraka in vode omogočata prijetno sprostitev v otok vse leto, kar uživajo turisti in domačini.

Ali veš, koliko plaž je v Staniel Cay-ju? Skupaj je 4 Plaže in najbolj priljubljena je Pig beach.