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O Northampton

Northampton mesto se nahaja v New York} Združene države Amerike ter je znana po svojih turkiznih vodah, katerih kristalna čistost je neverjetna! To povečuje nivo plažnega uživanja, saj boljša voda omogoča prijetnejše doživetje ob njej! Vendar pa ne pretiravajte s hladnostjo!


Sylvan Beach

Sylvan Beach 0.1 km
Prost vhod • Virgin Beach • Enostaven dostop • Svetel pesek • Turkizna čista voda • Gneča
1.7 Indeks ugodnosti

Taft Bay Park

Bernhards Bay 1.1 km
Prost vhod • Virgin Beach • Enostaven dostop • Svetel pesek • Turkizna čista voda • Peščeno dno
1 Indeks ugodnosti

Za vsakega popotnika je počitek ob morju povezan z različnimi aktivnostmi. Nekateri imajo radi popolno sprostitev in tišino, medtem ko drugi potrebujejo aktivnosti. Naš konfigurator vam bo vedno pomagal izbrati plažo, ki ustreza vašim osebnim potrebam.

Če je za vas počitnikovanje na plaži predvsem zvok valov, kriki galebov nad pomolom in počasni sprehodi ob obali, potem ste zagotovo ljubitelj mirnih plaž.

Seznam razpoložljivih plažnih aktivnosti je zagotovo pomemben, vendar pa za mnoge popotnike ni odločilni faktor pri izbiri počitniškega kraja. Spodaj boste našli nekaj informacij o naravnih značilnostih plaž v Northampton. Upamo, da vam bodo te informacije pomagale najti kraj vaših sanj.

Plaže mesto so večinoma ozko. Po mnenju strokovnjakov za plaže in dopustnikov imajo večina plaž visok stopnjo čistoče. Peščena plaže prevladujejo nad drugimi!

Običajno se globina povečuje običajno. Če je to zate pomembno, vedno uporabi naš filter, da preveriš globino posamezne plaže.

Najnovejše ocene plaž Northampton

Sylvan Beach
10 Aria M

We practically lived at this beach all summer. We're definitely considering getting season passes for next year. Whether you're swimming, relaxing on the beach, fishing, riding rides, playing games, going to the playground, or eating, there's always something to do at this small park. And just outside of the park, there are shops, bars, candy stores, wine slushies, ice cream stands, and gift shops. It's free to enter, but parking inside the amusement park/beach is $10.

Taft Bay Park
6 Tom (Whisper

Stunning view, and the swings are back. However, the baby swings are oddly positioned just an inch off the ground, requiring them to be looped around the top, which is a slight inconvenience. The park features separate playgrounds for older children and toddlers, both of which are very well-maintained. I genuinely love this park, but I had to deduct stars because during my last two visits, the entire park was swarming with flies and mayflies. I understand it's that time of year, but the beach was covered in organic debris that not only smelled bad but was also attracting a lot of flies. In the morning, all the playground equipment was covered with them. While they are harmless, it's still quite unpleasant. I hope that if the beach gets cleaned up a bit, the fly situation will improve and the smell will be less intense.

Najtoplejši mesec v tem območju je julij, ko se temperatura zraka dvigne do 25.4°C, temperatura vode pa do 21.3°C. Najhladnejši mesec je januar, ko se temperatura zraka spusti na -0.5°C in temperatura vode na -4.2°C.