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O Oneida jezero

Ko slišimo besedo - plaža, se v glavi pojavi ena uveljavljena povezava - morje, pesek in sprostitev. Ampak kdo pravi, da ima morje monopol na počitnicah? Pogosto jezera privabljajo nič manj kot morje, v nekaterih primerih pa celo več turistov kot obala. Oneida jezero se lahko pripiše temu.

Nekaj splošnih informacij o Oneida jezero. Nahaja se v Združene države Amerike (New York), površina - 207 km², največja globina je 16.8 metrov.

Obala Oneida jezero je prava najdba za ljubitelje nasičene turkizne vode, in tudi ta mesta niso tradicionalno znana po nepozabnih pokrajinah - vaš dopust zagotovo ne bo slabši!

Prevladujejo plaže, ki so predvsem locirane v znotraj naselij. Morda je to razlog, zakaj je Oneida jezero priljubljen med popotniki.

Obala Oneida jezero je večinoma ravna, vendar odsotnost ovinkov nadomesti obilica naravne vegetacije, ki je pogosto prisotna v regiji. Ta vegetacija ustvarja naravno senco, ki ščiti turiste pred sončno vročino v vročih dneh. To so lahko redki drevesi ali celo gosti gozdovi, zato je pomembno, da jih znate najti.

Tukaj ni osamljenih plaž. Če iščete počitnice na plaži zunaj vrveža mesta, obala Oneida jezero verjetno ni vaša možnost.

Lakeshore beach

Kraus Landing 1.1 km
Prost vhod • Plaža udobja • Enostaven dostop • Svetel pesek • Turkizna čista voda • Peščeno dno
4.3 Indeks ugodnosti

Sylvan Beach

Sylvan Beach 0.1 km
Prost vhod • Virgin Beach • Enostaven dostop • Svetel pesek • Turkizna čista voda • Gneča
1.7 Indeks ugodnosti

Taft Bay Park

Bernhards Bay 1.1 km
Prost vhod • Virgin Beach • Enostaven dostop • Svetel pesek • Turkizna čista voda • Peščeno dno
1 Indeks ugodnosti

Načrtovanje počitnic na plaži, si večina popotnikov predstavlja čudovito čisto in neobljudeno plažo. Vendar pa je to v času visoke sezone lahko nerealno. Včasih pa je mogoče najti izjeme.

Obala Oneida jezero je zelo priljubljena med turisti, zato so večina plaž v sezoni zelo zasedene. Vendar to ne pomeni, da ni manj obljudenih plaž. Takšne plaže še vedno obstajajo, vendar jih je manj - približno 2. Preverite izbor.

Ključna priljubljena dejavnost za rekreacijo na plaži je, seveda, plavanje. Za takšno dejavnost ima Oneida jezero naslednje značilnosti:

  • večina plaž je peščenih;
  • 1 Plaža na Oneida jezero, ima zelo gladko vstop v vodo, vendar obstajajo izjeme;
  • 3 Plaže na obali ima visoka raven preglednosti;
  • v večini primerov je čistoča na obali Oneida jezero visoka;

Najnovejše ocene plaž Oneida jezero

Lakeshore beach
6 Trevor Andersmith

Upon arriving at this location, I quickly realized that the parking lot on the water side is extremely small and limited. So, I parked across the street in a tiny, unknown lot and walked over. I was pleasantly surprised by the natural view of the water. There was a beautiful pavilion and a gorgeous big willow tree overlooking the water. It was literally one of my favorite visits... until I noticed the grass was completely coated in dog poop. While I understand that the location isn't responsible for the poop, it was overwhelming and unpleasant. Perhaps more signs encouraging people to pick up after their pets would help? There was a bathroom at the location, which was amazing because I'm constantly traveling and always looking for easily accessible restrooms. I'm here to tell you this was the nicest bathroom I've ever seen at a local park. Period. I was happily surprised with the rest stop! However, when I returned on a Sunday evening to watch the sunset, the restrooms were locked. So, they must only be open during specific work hours, which is understandable. There was a porta potty nearby for emergencies, which was nice. The actual beach portion is very small, so I wouldn't recommend it for tanning or adults, but it is roped off and safe for kids to splash around in. Lastly, I saw a sign for a splash pad being built, which is exciting! Splash pads are great, especially if they are enclosed for safety purposes since it is so close to the water. Overall, this location is awesome. I saw a birthday party going on, which was great. There was a fishing pier where I sat and watched the sunset, and it was breathtaking. Besides the poop, which is the fault of humans, I love this park and will be back over and over again.

Sylvan Beach
10 Aria M

We practically lived at this beach all summer. We're definitely considering getting season passes for next year. Whether you're swimming, relaxing on the beach, fishing, riding rides, playing games, going to the playground, or eating, there's always something to do at this small park. And just outside of the park, there are shops, bars, candy stores, wine slushies, ice cream stands, and gift shops. It's free to enter, but parking inside the amusement park/beach is $10.

Taft Bay Park
6 Tom (Whisper

Stunning view, and the swings are back. However, the baby swings are oddly positioned just an inch off the ground, requiring them to be looped around the top, which is a slight inconvenience. The park features separate playgrounds for older children and toddlers, both of which are very well-maintained. I genuinely love this park, but I had to deduct stars because during my last two visits, the entire park was swarming with flies and mayflies. I understand it's that time of year, but the beach was covered in organic debris that not only smelled bad but was also attracting a lot of flies. In the morning, all the playground equipment was covered with them. While they are harmless, it's still quite unpleasant. I hope that if the beach gets cleaned up a bit, the fly situation will improve and the smell will be less intense.