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Več kot 30.000 plaž z bolj podrobnimi podatki in filtriranjem

O Solsona

Solsona mesto se nahaja v Lleida} Španija ter je znana po svojih turkiznih vodah, katerih kristalna čistost je neverjetna! To povečuje nivo plažnega uživanja, saj boljša voda omogoča prijetnejše doživetje ob njej! Vendar pa ne pretiravajte s hladnostjo!


Plage Belcaire

Belcaire 1 km
Zelo dobro
Prost vhod • Plaža udobja • Enostaven dostop • Svetel pesek • Zelena čista voda • Gneča
3.8 Indeks ugodnosti
Naturistična plaža

Platja de l'Home Mort

Vilanova i la Geltru 3.5 km
Prost vhod • Plaža udobja • Enostaven dostop • Zelo gneča • Pot > 500 m • Oddaljeno parkiranje
2.2 Indeks ugodnosti

Platja de la Marina

Sant Adria de Besos 1.9 km
Prost vhod • Plaža udobja • Enostaven dostop • Svetel pesek • Modra čista voda • Gneča
3.7 Indeks ugodnosti

Bellamar Beach

Premia de Mar 0.4 km
Prost vhod • Plaža udobja • Enostaven dostop • Svetel pesek • Gneča • Pesek in skale dno
4 Indeks ugodnosti
Starejši prijazen
Prost vhod • Plaža udobja • Enostaven dostop • Svetel fin pesek • Zelena voda • Gneča
7.2 Indeks ugodnosti
Starejši prijazen
Prost vhod • Plaža udobja • Enostaven dostop • Svetel pesek • Turkizna voda • Peščeno dno
4.7 Indeks ugodnosti

Za vsakega popotnika je počitek ob morju povezan z različnimi aktivnostmi. Nekateri imajo radi popolno sprostitev in tišino, medtem ko drugi potrebujejo aktivnosti. Naš konfigurator vam bo vedno pomagal izbrati plažo, ki ustreza vašim osebnim potrebam.

Če je za vas počitnikovanje na plaži predvsem zvok valov, kriki galebov nad pomolom in počasni sprehodi ob obali, potem ste zagotovo ljubitelj mirnih plaž. Najbolj priljubljene plaže za takšen dopust v bližini Solsona so Platja de Ribes Roges, Plaža Comarruga, Platja de Sant Miquel.

Za tiste, ki sprostitev dojemajo kot dolgočasno preživljanje časa, obstaja nekaj plaž, ki bi vas morda zanimale. V okolici Solsona je približno 18 plaž, ki so priljubljene med hrupnimi in aktivnimi popotniki ter imajo status 'primerno za zabavo'. To pomeni, da imajo vsaj eno plažno klubska ali bar. Poleg tega se na takšnih plažah lahko občasno odvijajo različni festivali (vendar preverite urnik pri domačinih).

Seznam razpoložljivih plažnih aktivnosti je zagotovo pomemben, vendar pa za mnoge popotnike ni odločilni faktor pri izbiri počitniškega kraja. Spodaj boste našli nekaj informacij o naravnih značilnostih plaž v Solsona. Upamo, da vam bodo te informacije pomagale najti kraj vaših sanj.

Plaže mesto so večinoma široka. Po mnenju strokovnjakov za plaže in dopustnikov imajo večina plaž visok stopnjo čistoče. Peščena plaže prevladujejo nad drugimi!

Običajno se globina povečuje običajno. Če je to zate pomembno, vedno uporabi naš filter, da preveriš globino posamezne plaže.

Od 82 plaž v Solsona je 12 Če obiščeš to območje med nestabilnim vremenom, priporočamo, da izbereš kraj za plavanje previdno, saj visoki valovi niso vedno varni. Naš filter ti lahko pomaga najti primerno plažo.

Najnovejše ocene plaž Solsona

Platja de La Musclera
8 Josie McAllister

This beach in the Maresme area is definitely one of the best to enjoy. It stands out as the only nudist beach in the vicinity. In the past, there used to be a variety of beach bars to choose from, but now it seems that there is only one or maybe two bars, depending on the year. Unfortunately, there are no public toilets available, and the parking lot is quite small.

Playa Barceloneta
6 Rajesh Ranasinghe

Not the ideal spot. It's in the city, so you can walk there, but the sand is not very comfortable, and the view isn't extraordinary. The wind was too strong for the season, and the atmosphere isn't particularly serene. There are a few food and merchandise stands, but it's nothing to write home about.

Platja de l'Home Mort
10 Tommy J

This beach is truly breathtaking, like a pristine paradise. It's definitely worth the trip. I recommend taking a taxi from town, but then relish the hike through the forest to reach your new haven! It's such an enjoyable experience. And for the Brits, don't forget to pack plenty of factor 50 sunscreen...

Platja de la Marina
10 Gigi

The beach feels quite private, cozy, and clean. The owners of the chiringuito are incredibly friendly and hospitable. The food is exceptionally fresh.

Bellamar Beach
10 Cherise Carter

When we visited Barcelona, we wanted to stay in a nearby place, so we chose Premia de Mar, and I must say that its beach was the highlight! We were there at the beginning of November, by the way. The beach is very, very clean, and we enjoyed numerous beautiful walks there every evening. The playgrounds are very safe and such a necessity for parents. We didn't mind the railroad at all; in fact, it just added to the charm, in my humble opinion. If you don't want sand in your shoes, there's an asphalt trail that is well-lit at night, and the views are simply beautiful.

Plaža Bogatell
8 Harrison Whiteford

We chose this place because it is a great alternative to the more crowded beaches of Barcelona. It's a pretty nice beach, and the added bonus is that it's easily accessible. If you want umbrellas and sunbeds, there is a fee, but otherwise it's a great spot to enjoy the sun and sea.