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O A Estacion

A Estacion naselje se nahaja v A Coruña} Španija ter je znana po svojih turkiznih vodah, katerih kristalna čistost je neverjetna! To povečuje nivo plažnega uživanja, saj boljša voda omogoča prijetnejše doživetje ob njej! Vendar pa ne pretiravajte s hladnostjo!


Praia Da Area

Area 0.3 km
Zelo dobro
Prost vhod • Plaža udobja • Enostaven dostop • Svetel pesek • Gneča • Močna plima
4.5 Indeks ugodnosti
Zelo dobro
Prost vhod • Virgin Beach • Enostaven dostop • Beli fini pesek • Gneča • Parkiranje prepovedano
0.6 Indeks ugodnosti
Dobro za zabavo

Praia de Bares

Bares 1.1 km
Prost vhod • Plaža udobja • Enostaven dostop • Beli fini pesek • Turkizna čista voda • Fino peščeno dno
3.1 Indeks ugodnosti
Prost vhod • Plaža udobja • Enostaven dostop • Beli fini pesek • Turkizna čista voda • Gneča
2 Indeks ugodnosti
Prost vhod • Virgin Beach • Enostaven dostop • Beli fini pesek • Turkizna čista voda • Oddaljeno parkiranje
1.1 Indeks ugodnosti

Praia de Area Longa

A Estacion 1.2 km
Prost vhod • Virgin Beach • Enostaven dostop • Svetel pesek • Modra voda • Močna plima
1 Indeks ugodnosti

Za vsakega popotnika je počitek ob morju povezan z različnimi aktivnostmi. Nekateri imajo radi popolno sprostitev in tišino, medtem ko drugi potrebujejo aktivnosti. Naš konfigurator vam bo vedno pomagal izbrati plažo, ki ustreza vašim osebnim potrebam.

Če je za vas počitnikovanje na plaži predvsem zvok valov, kriki galebov nad pomolom in počasni sprehodi ob obali, potem ste zagotovo ljubitelj mirnih plaž. Najbolj priljubljene plaže za takšen dopust v bližini A Estacion so Praia Da Area, Praia de Bares, Plaža Xilloi.

Seznam razpoložljivih plažnih aktivnosti je zagotovo pomemben, vendar pa za mnoge popotnike ni odločilni faktor pri izbiri počitniškega kraja. Spodaj boste našli nekaj informacij o naravnih značilnostih plaž v A Estacion. Upamo, da vam bodo te informacije pomagale najti kraj vaših sanj.

Plaže naselje so večinoma široka. Po mnenju strokovnjakov za plaže in dopustnikov imajo večina plaž visok stopnjo čistoče. Droben pesek plaže prevladujejo nad drugimi!

Običajno se globina povečuje zelo gladko. Če je to zate pomembno, vedno uporabi naš filter, da preveriš globino posamezne plaže.

Od 22 plaž v A Estacion je 10 Če obiščeš to območje med nestabilnim vremenom, priporočamo, da izbereš kraj za plavanje previdno, saj visoki valovi niso vedno varni. Naš filter ti lahko pomaga najti primerno plažo.

Vredno je omeniti, da ima 3 Plaže v A Estacion pomemben plimni razpon. To pomeni, da se lahko voda umakne od obale na dolge razdalje in obratno, kar lahko povzroči nepričakovane situacije za vas ali vaše stvari. To imej v mislih pri načrtovanju plažnih aktivnosti in preveri informacije o plimnih razponih v našem filtru.

Najnovejše ocene plaž A Estacion

Kaolin plaža
8 Aria Gomez

Stunning! That's the only word to describe this beach. It's a sight to behold, with its pristine sand and crystal clear waters. It's like a paradise on Earth and you can't help but be mesmerized by its beauty.

Praia de Bares
8 Marisol Martinez

This beach is split in two sections, with a large rock in between. While there is no sign to indicate it, the further end is designated for nudists. Most people still opt to wear clothes, but there are some who practice nudism. The scenery here is breathtaking, with a dina area and crystal-clear waters. It's an ideal spot for swimming and relaxation. However, it's worth noting that the nudist section may not be suitable for everyone.

Plaža Xilloi
8 Habiba

Praia de Xilloi was the perfect venue for a wedding. It's a medium-sized beach located near the cliffs, with beautiful, clean sand and crystal-clear water. The tents that were set up in between the trees added to the atmosphere and the catering was superb.

Playa de San Antonio
6 Elijah Jules

That place is a great spot to visit, with its white, fine sand and its rough seas. It's definitely worth a visit.

Praia de Vidreiro
8 Ionuț Petre.

A little gem! It's surrounded by lush greenery, easy to get to, with plenty of parking, and is spotless. Despite its size and chilly waters, the water is crystal clear and very pleasant. Perfect for a family day out, and if you have a furry friend you can bring them along too - just make sure you stick to the designated times in the morning and afternoon.

Playa de Covas
10 Maria Hernandez

This time I visited the beach during the night and it was a very pleasant experience. The temperature was perfect and the beach was quiet and not overly crowded. What made it particularly special was the white, fine sand - it was a very nice walk both day and night.