O Favara

Favara vas se nahaja v Valencia} Španija in čeprav tam ni ne veličastnih razgledov niti neverjetnih barv vode, pa se tam nahaja bogata zgodovina ter prijazni domačini, ki poskrbijo za prijetno doživetje! Seveda pa je tam še poseben morski duh, ki se ne da skriti! Ko enkrat obiščete to mesto, bodo vaši vtisi ostali v spominu še dolgo časa!

Za otroke
Zelo dobro
Prost vhod • Plaža udobja • Enostaven dostop • Svetel pesek • Modra voda • Gneča
5.9 Indeks ugodnosti

Cap Blanc Beach

El Dosel 1.3 km
Zelo dobro
Prost vhod • Plaža udobja • Enostaven dostop • Svetel pesek • Modra voda • Gneča
7.1 Indeks ugodnosti

Playa Vega de Mar

Mareny de Vilches 1.5 km
Zelo dobro
Prost vhod • Plaža udobja • Enostaven dostop • Svetel pesek • Modra voda • Gneča
5.3 Indeks ugodnosti

Platja les Palmeres

el Perello 2.9 km
Zelo dobro
Prost vhod • Plaža udobja • Enostaven dostop • Svetel pesek • Modra voda • Zelo gneča
3.7 Indeks ugodnosti

Platja del Mareny de Barraquetes

Mareny de Vilches 2.6 km
Zelo dobro
Prost vhod • Plaža udobja • Enostaven dostop • Svetel pesek • Modra voda • Gneča
5 Indeks ugodnosti
Zelo dobro
Prost vhod • Virgin Beach • Enostaven dostop • Svetel pesek • Modra voda • Peščeno dno
1 Indeks ugodnosti

Za vsakega popotnika je počitek ob morju povezan z različnimi aktivnostmi. Nekateri imajo radi popolno sprostitev in tišino, medtem ko drugi potrebujejo aktivnosti. Naš konfigurator vam bo vedno pomagal izbrati plažo, ki ustreza vašim osebnim potrebam.

Če je za vas počitnikovanje na plaži predvsem zvok valov, kriki galebov nad pomolom in počasni sprehodi ob obali, potem ste zagotovo ljubitelj mirnih plaž. Najbolj priljubljene plaže za takšen dopust v bližini Favara so Playa de San Antonio, Cap Blanc Beach, Playa Vega de Mar.

Seznam razpoložljivih plažnih aktivnosti je zagotovo pomemben, vendar pa za mnoge popotnike ni odločilni faktor pri izbiri počitniškega kraja. Spodaj boste našli nekaj informacij o naravnih značilnostih plaž v Favara. Upamo, da vam bodo te informacije pomagale najti kraj vaših sanj.

Plaže vas so večinoma široka. Po mnenju strokovnjakov za plaže in dopustnikov imajo večina plaž visok stopnjo čistoče. Peščena plaže prevladujejo nad drugimi!

Običajno se globina povečuje zelo gladko. Če je to zate pomembno, vedno uporabi naš filter, da preveriš globino posamezne plaže.

Najnovejše ocene plaž Favara

Plaža Xeraco
6 Marisol De La Fuente Pérez

Great option if you're looking for a less crowded spot. It's also a great choice for families with young children or older adults, as the water doesn't get too deep - usually not above the knees. However, if you're looking for something a bit more progressive, Olive Beach may be the better option. All in all, this is still a great beach to visit.

Playa del Raco
6 Rafael

Not bad - if you're into sand, sea and sun. Otherwise, it's just okay.

Playa de los Olivos
8 Danielle van Driel

This place is a great spot for a relaxing day out - it's nice and calm, and easily accessible too.

Tavernes de la Valldigna
8 Nina Skye

The town itself is really nice and relaxing. clean and only gets really busy during the summer months, but it's nothing compared to other beach resorts. I have been visiting this area for over 30 years and have seen the development of the whole beach town, unfortunately not for the better. One of the biggest disappointments is the lack of a beach front walkway, but there is a Paseo which runs the length of part of the main town. It used to be beautiful with a wavy stone design in red, white and blue, but a few years ago the town hall decided to remodel it with a modern look, which was a terrible decision. The beach town does have some good restaurants and bars, but there are not many shops left since many have closed. There is only one pharmacy, which during the summer can get very busy with long waiting times. There are also a couple of supermarkets which are open all year round. Additionally, there is a lovely

Playa de L'Estany
6 Maya Martinez

This beach is out of this world! It's like a dream come true - the sand is so soft, the water so inviting and the views simply breathtaking. There's no place quite like it - it's the ultimate beach experience!

Playa el Marenyet
8 Sebastian Dyer

That place has a relaxed, laid-back atmosphere.

Najtoplejši mesec v tem območju je avgust, ko se temperatura zraka dvigne do 26.9°C, temperatura vode pa do 27.3°C. Najhladnejši mesec je januar, ko se temperatura zraka spusti na 14.6°C in temperatura vode na 14.8°C.